Are we immortal!
In our everyday chores how many times we forget that we are mortal. We believe we are here forever. We feel pain, agony, sadness and disappointment at numerous times. If I dig it bit deeper much of it comes from our expectation of people seeing/speaking/walking/talking/behaving/valuing to us in certain way and how we perceive ourselves in our mind. Nothing wrong in it. We have every right to know ourselves who we are and our purpose to act in certain way and so on. However, the trouble lies when we start doubting our own self and this happen when people raise questions on us, sometimes by words and sometimes by actions. For instance, someone coming to us and saying you are not capable of doing this job or we don’t think you know this so well or you know another person is better than you. These words are such that they immediately bow us down and we lose our confidence, we give up our happiness. If you see these things happen to us every now and then. We become happy and then we become sad. What is exactly happening here is we are surrendering to the words spoken (how much true, god knows). Some of the finest people have come across such scenarios and challenged those. And you do wonder occasionally why I am doing it, I should trust myself, believe in myself, I can do this. Let me say to you, it does require part of you to challenge such things. Once learned it is as easy ballgame as you can get it. Having said it requires commitment from your end as well to practice, till you make it and fake it till you get it. You cannot drink water without opening mouth. Similarly, everything you want you must give also to it. This is universal law in everything that happens. Now, still I feel sometimes all this looks good in saying and thinking but sometimes situations can be worse and then what. Still there lies a ray of hope. Sometimes what a situation requires from you is to surrender yourself, then do so. Let me tell you long term fruits of it are always sweeter. As they say, “Let go” and by doing so we create a feeling of being independent and liberated. After all we are here for a while, how much? No one knows. Only thing constant in everyone who have come to birth is death. Whenever any situation bows you down with its weight remember we are here for short and this will pass by as well. Don’t limit yourself by your colleagues, relatives, peers and surroundings. You are limited only until you think it, once you set it free, nature makes us feel that we are limitless!