Leadership is when you go beyond name!
Generally, for most of us, the journey of toddler to adolescent to young chap to adult involves personal development and learning and the complete focus on improving self. The reason could be good job, best entrepreneur or for that matter a great sage, each to their own. But it is only when we try to see beyond self, a person, a character, a light, a magic happens and that magic according to me is “leader” manifest.
Easier said than done, as one common thing among again generally all of us while growing up was competition to come first, competition to be better than “that” person, competition to feel better in some one’s eyes, competition to earn reputation, competition to earn money and so on many different stories according to various environment, surroundings we come from. And this nature in a way develops into habit. And habits are damn bad servants because when they start mastering us we barely come to know, strange, yeah it is, I know! For instance, if you just want to be master to group or bunch of people by your title or position, it will be fine, maybe it will work also for the time being or maybe long term.
“Those who seek happiness in the happiness of others are never unhappy. Only those who reject others and indulge in grabbing their own happiness are unhappy” — By Vaibhav Virat Vachan
However, just imagine can we add some goodness in those life’s, can we imprint to them better way to live their life. Definitely We can! And trust me once we do that nothing is better feeling then that to add value in someone’s life!!! And that what makes us leader, when you give someone way to lead a life/work/task or so on. Danger point is, this should come naturally to you and not fake or under expectations, because expectations will definitely lead to agony! Good part is I am sure each of us are leader in some or other way in some or other place or to some or other people , so what are we waiting for let’s try and taste does it make us sweeter or bitter by spreading goodness!!!